Proactive services

This category of services typically includes all activities that can be assigned to an in-house DBA specialist. This includes incident management services, day-to-day database infrastructure administration and proactive systems analysis to foresee and resolve any issues that may affect users or database applications.

The proposed packages can be customized in the service levels of support, in the scheduling of activities and reporting on the systems as well as on the coverage period of the various services provided according to the needs and peculiarities of the customer’s production environments.

The service includes at first a startup and assessment phase of the customer’s infrastructure, during which they will share the procedures for intervention and service management, such as a tracking system of shared interventions with the customer, methods of engagement of support specialists, methods of monitoring and constant improvement of the service.

A monthly analysis and checkup report of the systems supplied within the scope of the service is produced and issued to the client. During the report-sharing phase with the customer, preventive maintenance activities will be agreed upon and planned.


Service can be set up on different formats and hourly coverage:

  • 8×5 Business Time
  • 16×5 Extra Time o Night Availability
  • 24×7 Always